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Shooting Birds With Cameras.

R E P O R T  O N  B A R C E L O N A
– Barcelona rocked. –
E N D  OF  R E P O R T

HOT Dang, that sure took a while. The people working for me are in fact monkeys, literally. Took me a full day or two to train them into selecting the best photographs from the gigantic lot I took during my Barcelonian time. After another three days they came to me with a full report on their choosings – it was rubbish. If you wan’t a job done well, you better do it yourself. The monkeys are now in very small cages forced to play chess versus one another.

Since then I spent a quick three minutes throwing together around 200 (out of an estimated million-billion) photo’s for you lot to admire. A few warnings before you look at the Imagery – tape your jawbone shut, this is highly important (I’ve seen accidents you don’t even want me to describe). Secondly, you may start to love me beyond any normal measures – you should contact my agent (S. Agent) (Simon) and we’ll be in touch.


In fact he was a space alien from Gaudínian, a planet where governments don’t control your mind. The works this creature built are far beyond any human capabilities, so try not to feel inferior to the photographs of his work.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s take a look at some slide-shows I prepared for you lot.

Spain, Random – (photos: 57)

Barcelona, Gaudí – (photos: 107)

Aerial / Traffic – (photos: 26)

If you haven’t died by the struck of awe – in which case you receive my compliments – you’ll surely be craving for more. Luckily for you there’s always more of me to go around, you might want to check out the following few links. (My website’s photo section) (Uploaded collection of a few photos)

By now you must have died in a state of utter amazement, therefor this is the end (for now).

J. Wantonio Paudí B.

Charmed With Jazz

There are many ways to spend an evening, but neither of those compare to the night a few days ago. Evening – The city of Amsterdam is as dark as it is cold, thankfully I was wearing more layers than an onion. After a pleasantly warm cup of tea we set off for an equally pleasant (yet hardly as warm) walk through the alleys and streets of Amsterdam.

Tickets d'entrée

Many peaceful canals and bridges later we reached the lively center of Leidseplein, a single street further and we were within an arms reach away from Hans Dulfer, that evenings main performer. I politely nodded my head as we walked past him to enter the café. A warm welcome of jazz music and friendly faces accompanied us as we moved closer to the stage. The walls were covered by classic jazz posters and photos, reflecting a red glow all around the room. Right next to the stage were two empty tables, we took the one underneath John Coltrane’s photograph that stuck to the ceiling.

A few moments later an old man bumped into my seat – Hans Dulfer apologized to me as he put his saxophone on the table next to ours. Other musicians prepared their instruments on the stage – the pianist placed two thick phone-books on his seat and a keyboard on top of the piano. Slowly the place started to fill up, people varying from famous to Belgian took the few remaining seats over.


Men at Jazz

Music begins to play, it’s just as incredible as it is loud – we moved a few rows down to save our sense of hearing. The music only got better as time went by, saxophone solo’s faded into piano and back. From bass to drums, everyone played their part. A trumpeter joined the gang in a later set, by then I was already lost in time. Clearly the drummer was too as he had just broken another pair of his drum sticks, still managing to play on. These guys really made a show – they rocked at jazz.

The only thing more enchanting than the night we spent was the lady I got to spend it with.


Barcelonian Twitterbird Conclusion

NOTICE– Actual Barcelona Reportage with REAL photography coming later –END OF NOTICE

HERE it is, a collaboration of all the live imagery I sent out to the world using nothing more than my mobile-phone and a parrot. However the parrot flew away and I was left with nothing more than my mobile-phone and memories of the bird.

Twitterytweets will follow, chronologically starting Thursday early morning – as I left for the airfield – ending this morning as I returned to the freezing coldness of Netherlandia. Note all these images were taken by the mobile-tool I already mentioned above, and not my fancy trousers photocamera (nor the parrot). All images will be shrunken by a magical shrinking machine, but if you click on them you’ll see reversed-magic in semi-full sized glory.

Click “CONTINUED” below for the image-tweets ala location.  – NOTE again, real photographic reportages coming soon!


Time Flies Like Flies Time

Salvador Dali and Fish

Fisherman hard at work.

DAYS have passed since you – the loyal and courageous reader of this new(s)paper – have received updates regarding the entire BARCELONA situation.  Although very true, it’s equally explainable. You see, being the hard working news-reporter I aspire to become, sometimes time seems to slip straight through my greasy fingers – much like an olive in oil (Barcelonian phenomenon) whilst eating late lunch.

Barcelonian Time

Barcelona knows notte this ¨TIME¨ mystery.

In fact, time doesn’t exist in Barcelona – All the people do here is fish and sleep, usually at the same time. It’s as if people here are inside a protective and metaphorical globe of utter obliviousity towards the rest of the world (that matters).  

Once I find a way out of this time consuming pit of disaster and olives, you trustworthy reading people will enter a world of bliss. Not only have I planned for a complete reportage surrounding all of Barcelona and related – you’ll also find yourself swimming in an ocean of photographs. So far I’ve made a roughly estimated thirty billion.

Until my most anticipated return, you should keep a weary eye on the horizon. After that you might want to check out Tweeter or whatever you hip people call it. There’s a ton of live photographic-footage revolving the star of this show. For example; with one hand bound on my back, I bravely climbed La Sagrada Familia and yelled ¨Heeeeeeeelp¨.    Admittedly a small moment of weakness. This matters not, check the link provided atop for more information.

Keep your fish on straight and your moustaches curled.
J. Wok Pasta B.

New Utopia Found!

BUT First other equally quality-driven impressive news!

A rather serious note related to barbers all around the world. Back in the day you used to go to a barber and command him to cut your hair. These days they want to talk to you, know your information – what the weather is like from whence you hail. Why, how will this improve my haircut? Do your job barber and do it well, I ask for trimming and not a chat! By Antoni Gaudí‘s beard, if you feel the need to converse at least offer me a cup of civilized coffee to go with it (free of charge) Secondly, did I ask for you to throw half the cut hairs back into my shirt? Is it not clear I want to rid myself of these locks imprisoning my head? Keep them on the floor – right beside your face as you’re kissing my shoes.

Finally a note on ice – it is found to be quite slippery when mixed with unfrozen water, and it’s surprisingly cold. I’ve witnessed people die today,  a group of children tried eating icecream and mass choked.

– – E X P L O R I N G  S C I E N T I S T S   D I S C O V E R   N E W   L A N D S  – –

Utopia - Barcelona

"We've never looked THERE before!" - scientists

SCIENTISTS announced today that they have in fact discovered a new land between Portugal and Italy. They call the new country “The United Land-Mass Of Barcelona And Beyond!”Barcelona in short.

Of course, by now you’ll say things as followed – “That can’t be right!” – “I don’t believe a dime of what you say!” – “What’s for dinner tonight”. Worry not, the New(s) will make sure that all of your insecurities are taken care of. It has been confirmed by a Polish Researcher (Prof. Lukluk) that a new country can be added to our already drawn maps. We set our ACE-REPORTER on the job to investigate. His comments follow:

– “No aces to be found here” ~ Ace-Reporter

The most outrageous facts accompanied by a handful of rumours have been circling around the media for a while by the time this paper is delivered to you – most of which started right here. “Barcelona” a fine name for a fine country. Reports state that the climate over in the Barcelona Region is quite tropical, in fact the sun always shines there (disclaimer: not at night). Other commonly known facts are that they speak a bastardized version of the Latin language, known to it’s inhabitants as “Spainish“. For example, if you were to order your civilized cup of coffee in Barcelonandia, you’d have to ask for a CAFÉ. Whether this “café” nonsense tastes the same as actual Man-Coffee is still in doubt.

Latest fashion

Gaudí is prepared for the Barcelonian sun.

The Scientists have instated a new MAYOR of BARCELONA. His name is the well known local nut, ANTONI GAUDÍ! We’ve asked Gaudí, amongst other local celebrities to state their opinion surrounding the discovery of a new haven.

Antoni Gaudí:  “By MY beard!
Antonio Banderas: “By HIS beard!
Unknown Barber: “Fill in this form, you cannot have coffee
Ringo Starr: “Does this mean I return into modern media?”

So far the current reports on Barcelona.

As any self-respecting journalist and new(s)paper editor/supervisor/bigboss would do, besides making himself another sugar-enriched cup of coffee, is go onto a personal exploration regarding the latest news. As you understand by now, I’ve finished the god-made beverage – and there’s nothing left stopping me to visit BARCELONA.  The latest research I’ve done regards transportation devices from here [location] to Barcelona. A senile old man called Nicholas offered me his Steam-Boat, I respectfully declined and showed him the shoulder. Lately we hear more and more about a new method of transport, one that lifts you off your seat into the skies and beyond! Aero-Craft-Ships, here’s hoping this Aero man knows what to do with sophisticated craft-ships.

All there is left to teach you – the loyal reader – is how to be fashionable. Fashionably late, make people wait for you instead of having lesser people make YOU wait for THEM. For example, I could go onto an airboat and sail the skies to Barcelona tomorrow – I’m more than welcome to! Yet, this is not the way of a GENTLEMANNE – no sir! Us Manne of gentle leisure will show those Barcelonians what we’re in for! Thursday early seems like right the time for me to report overlands. By then I’ll keep you updated on the flavour of the characteristic Barcelonian “Café

A few last words of advice — don’t set fire to your oven unless you plan to cook in it.

J. Wonder Portrayer B.

A Crime By Time

News-reporte #4 [004/004] – Day of the Mon, eleven hundred hours and a few minutes.

Criminal at work.

Accurate Diagram of Crime

–S H O C K I N G —

With a start like that you know this report will have something in petto. Earlier I witnessed – with my own two eyes – how a mad man ran into an inconvenience store, killed two people and ran off with a bag’o’treasure. As I was there at the scene (but note: not the criminal at stake), I managed to get a clear view of the bandit in a mirror (note: an angled mirror, not me!! Stop your judging I had nothing to do with it. ) Here is a rather quick yet sophisticated sketch of the man in question. [[Photographic Evidence A – Right]]

The real scare was how the thug looked me right back into my blue eyes as I glared at him in the mirror. WHAT A RASCAL! As I ducked (not out of fear, I am braver than a flock of sheep – but to protect the peace around the floor area) he ducked with me! Thankfully we were both out of sight – Or I’d have glared him to a painful death. A few moments later this mastermind whipped out a gun bigger than his greed, aimed and shot two people straight in the knee caps. He watched as one of them bled out to death.

“Oooh nooo” and “I just wet myself AND my neighbour!!” weren’t uncommon screams to be heard in the store.
“Quit y’r screamin’, what are’ye? A newsreporter or a thief?!”
the guy next to me said, so I shot him as well.

– I meant, clarification – this highly dangerous criminal shot him as well. The angst got to me and controlled my thoughts into believing I was armed and dangerous, when I held nothing more than a pen and some notes and a gun! I mean no gun, there was no gun in my hands as I threw it away. I NEVER EVEN HAD A GUN TO BEGIN WITH until I bought it. ENOUGH OF THIS, I AM A REPORTER NOT A THUG WHO’D ROB A STORE. YES I AM. NO. YES.

Shopping List

Look at all the demands!

On the floor I found a note left by this criminal, let’s refer to it as Evidence B. Was it a ransom note? Was he trying to tell me something? Let’s take a closer look at Evidence B. [[photographic evidence B to your left]]

– Broodjes
– Brood ½
– Koffie
– Thee
– Hamburgers
– Aardappeltjes
– Koekjes
– Sla / Slasaus
– ??????????
–    Secret X

Yeah, this guy was nuts. Made no sense whatsoever besides one – greed. Look at all those violent demands. This man must be found and locked away for life!! The stolen goods returned to the store and the dead revived into living.  Here’s a description (accompanying my diagram above [[right]]) of the bandit.

I’m a 21 year old Dutch guy, you may recognize me by the black bar covering my eyes and the stripey shirt I always wear. It’s my favourite. Usually I’ll wear a hat, and if not you’ll just notice my large mustache better! I lost my gun that morning at the store, so I won’t be carrying that around.

By now you must think, how much rubbish can one story take? Not quite ever enough I say! On my way home from the crime scene I found the man’s bag of loot. In it I found a few arms full of consumable products, coffee, tea, cookies, bread, two dinners and some salad dressing. Another thing I found in there.. well, let’s just call it.. SECRET X for now. More on SECRET X in a coming review. In the meantime let’s try and find the bad guy, who isn’t me I swear, but some lunatic who knows notte how to work in this community.

Good thing you read the news here, that means YOU have an ALIBI! Keep the violence at a low.

J. Warn(the) Police! B.

The Future, Today!

“TWITTER” I heard a random nobody shout at me as I walked down the street last night. The man was arrested by a fully able (and grand-mustached) police officer within minutes, then I had him shot. You see, the future ain’t all that great. Back in the day we sent letters to each other, sometimes even cards. That’s how fashionable people communicated. We had notte this twittybird nonsense. To show the highly intellectual readers of this paper, I’ve added a Twitter aparatus right at the top. Top right. Right.

Back in the day..

Look at 'em go!

Don’t mention you read this example of treachery to your many wives, they may follow your footsteps and before you know it – you’re watching her give birth to your best friends child.  Why are you watching her? You should be out there killing a guy or three. Blast twitter into a shack.

But wait!” you cry out, “twitter can’t be the only thing on the internet!” – right you are, right you are. When your boat leaks, you gotta fix it one way or another. That’s why I started a “webbe”site about fixing boats Thinking for a man twice my wit, I appropriately represent the website as a boat in need of fixing too. A crew of highly trained superiors work night and day. They’re instructing many lesser men to complete this task at a set time, or they die.  Another news report will be in once that’s dealt with.

Hopefully by then you haven’t killed your best friend yet!! Keep on sailing.

~J. Warrington Pillar B.

Hold That Thought!

Hold that thought right where I can see it. Speak your mind quickly!

“This aint no cheap ol’ Overvaaren”
– I hear ya say! And by coffee you are right!

Extra, extra! New(s) paper!!

Extra, extra! New(s) paper!!


“A newspaper?!” – Ya keep shouting at me!  Yes, it even has a convincing photographic print as proof!!

There’s no more denying or you’d be lying!

Keep this paper under surveillance, it’ll do the same to you.


Future’s Blog is now called Overvaaren.

The Dutch word for blog is Overvaaren. If you have any problems regarding the Dutch word for Blog, you are wrong.

Good day to you and a good evening to me.