DAYS have passed since you – the loyal and courageous reader of this new(s)paper – have received updates regarding the entire BARCELONA situation. Although very true, it’s equally explainable. You see, being the hard working news-reporter I aspire to become, sometimes time seems to slip straight through my greasy fingers – much like an olive in oil (Barcelonian phenomenon) whilst eating late lunch.
In fact, time doesn’t exist in Barcelona – All the people do here is fish and sleep, usually at the same time. It’s as if people here are inside a protective and metaphorical globe of utter obliviousity towards the rest of the world (that matters).
Once I find a way out of this time consuming pit of disaster and olives, you trustworthy reading people will enter a world of bliss. Not only have I planned for a complete reportage surrounding all of Barcelona and related – you’ll also find yourself swimming in an ocean of photographs. So far I’ve made a roughly estimated thirty billion.
Until my most anticipated return, you should keep a weary eye on the horizon. After that you might want to check out Tweeter or whatever you hip people call it. There’s a ton of live photographic-footage revolving the star of this show. For example; with one hand bound on my back, I bravely climbed La Sagrada Familia and yelled ¨Heeeeeeeelp¨. Admittedly a small moment of weakness. This matters not, check the link provided atop for more information.
Keep your fish on straight and your moustaches curled.
J. Wok Pasta B.
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