F R I D A Y , M A Y 2 1 s t , 2 0 1 0
Friday, last day of the week. I arrived early at the Lingster Drapper building, nobody was in – or so I thought.
A few voices could be heard coming from inside the conference room. I made sure my hat was on top and I opened the door. Everybody stood around holding glasses filled with bubbles, Peter Campsten and Sally Rocksafella were even dancing on the sofa. This seemed like a party I wasn’t invited to, but that’s not what surprised me.
Nobody was wearing hats.. Not even Duck (who was licking frosting off a giant square cake in the shape of a fish). My jaw dropped to the floor in confusion, causing a weak enough bang to divert everyone’s attention towards me. Edward stopped the record-player which filled the room with silence.
“But.. but.. …” I mumbled as I pointed to some bare heads.
“Didn’t you get the memo, Big Face?” Said Duck, “We’re in the moustache business now. Seems you’re coming up shavingly short. You’re fired, again.”
Everybody, and I mean everybody, proudly pranced around with their extravagant moustaches. Some more ridiculous than others. From brushy to fine and curly, a real work of art I’d say. Yet I don’t understand how they grew all these within a single day.. Even the women had them.
Gill’s moustache was the largest of all, his reached onto the top of his head, reminiscent of an actual sombrero. Perhaps he was having a hard time adjusting to the new business plan.
After a while people seemed to ignore my arrival and continued to party. Maybe it was for the best, there was little left for me here.
On my way out I ran into a woman I had never seen before, she was beautiful and for a moment my heart stopped. The next thing I knew I was on the floor with the woman kneeling over me. Apparently the rest of my body stopped after my heart did. She helped me stand back up and asked if I was okay.
Right then I knew this could be the start of something new, an amazing adventure to sprout joy back into my life. Realizing that made me a bit nervous. As long as I don’t say anything to screw this up I should be fine. In fact, I should probably say something soon as the woman was still waiting on my reply. This is taking far too long, just say something !! Anything is better than silence !! But don’t scare her away !!
“polar bears” Damnit, she was already gone.
Ah well, probably for the best – her moustache would have only stood between us.
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