T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 2 0 t h , 2 0 1 0
Two days have gone by after the closet incident. Was phoned up Tuesday morning and got the day off, then the same thing happened on Wednesday. Actually this morning I got another call from Moe Ron; “Yeah hi again, you shouldn’t come in TODAY either – direct orders from Duck!“
“Again?! This way I’ll never get any work done.. So wh- Hey hold on a minute, why can I hear giggles in the background?” I asked, there’s no fooling me. After a long pause filled with muffled laughter, Moe said “Well..that is uhh.. the dog.”
I didn’t buy it, instead I went out to buy myself a hat that would knock the entire team off their chairs – figuratively speaking. That was the plan, head back into work and show Duck and the rest of the guys I was worth every penny they had yet to pay me.
Once I arrived at the office I knew the right choice had been made. Everywhere heads covered in hats turned, whispers of excitement went around the desks. At the end of the main hall Duck stood waiting in front of his office. He seemed shocked, my hatted-arrival had surely impressed him.
“What in the world do you think you’re doing?” Duck spat at me as he said that, not accidentally either. He looked around hastily and ran to the nearest desk. Figured it’d be best to run after him. Once we got there he looked at me with an intense stare, shouted something that sounded a lot like the word hats, and smacked his hand on the desk as hard as he could. He seemed to be in a lot of pain.
“What I’m thinking of doing in the world is coming in to work and.. do it. My work that is. Don’t you like my hat?” Carefully ending my sentence with a cautious smack on the same desk. Somehow Duck didn’t appreciate this and he turned bright red. He began to shout out words so fast I could barely understand full sentences. “COME IN TO WORK WEARING STUPID HATS THAT SAY “I LOVE HATS” HOW DARE YOU RIDICULE US?!“ Well alright I understood that one just fine. Though his shouting knocked my hat off – not figuratively this time, which enraged him even more.
“AND DON’T COME BACK TOMORROW !! ” – Duck had been smacking several desks continuously to get his points across, his hand was bleeding and so were the desks. He ran off, straight into his office. ‘This had to be a test’ I told myself, tomorrow I’ll come in and Duck will be glad to see me.
As I walked out I noticed Moe Ron walking his giggling dog Uhh. I waved but he didn’t notice.
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