T H U R S D A Y , M a y 1 3 t h , 2 0 1 0
My first day at Lingster Drapper working with the Drapper Ads team. Pretty excited! Ads are my all-time favorite pastime, and I just know I’m due for big things here. Duck Drapper showed me around the office and explained that Lingster Drapper has a “flat management” style, meaning that nobody’s in charge of anybody.
“And I’m the MOST not in charge of everybody,” he said, cocking a thumb at himself. “I fired everybody at the company once. I could fire you and not even break a sweat.“
I laughed at this, then looked around and saw everybody else not laughing. I trailed off.
“He really did fire everybody,” Peter Campsten said.
“Then he bought a horse,” George Holdeneer added.
Duck laughed warmly at these memories as he fed sugar cubes to his horse. “This is your desk,” he added. He didn’t point anywhere or look at anything besides the horse.
“The horse is my desk,” I said for clarification. Duck looked at me like I was some kind of idiot, then pointed to a tiny desk under the horse.
All in a all, a big first day. Pretty sure I’ll fit in fine around here. Duck’s already given me a nickname: Big Face. Wasn’t sure what that meant. Duck explained that I had a big face, in his estimation.
Also, note to self: buy a hat. I seem to be the only person not wearing one.
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