Friday, December 23, 2011
Vol passie schreeuwt een formule1 presentator zijn angsten uit; “HOU TOCH JE HANDEN AAN HET STUUR, DWAAS!“
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Een koude december dag in de metro. De mensen bespreken het weer; “Ik ga NOOIT meer klagen over de kou!“
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Twee oudere dames lopen arm in arm over straat wanneer het plotseling begint te regenen; “Ik denk dat we de plu nodig hebben, Nel”
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Bellend stapt een meisje de bus in; “Doe de groeten van de chauffeur!” – De Chauffeur.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Twee stilzwijgende bejaarden zitten stilletjes naast elkaar in de metro. Vol verbazing stoot de vrouw haar man wijzend aan; “Kijk, een kabel”
Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern. The country is grey and brown and white in trees, snows and skies of laughter always diminishing, less funny not just darker, not just grey. It may be the coldest day of the year, what does […]
Monday, September 13, 2010
When a man walks into a room, he brings his whole life with him. He has a million reasons for being anywhere – just ask him. If you listen he’ll tell you how he got there, how he forgot where he was going and then he woke up. If you listen, he’ll tell you about […]
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Like the indians said to eachother in smoke signals; big cloud, small cloud small cloud, line of smoke, large cloud, stop I’m back, but it doesn’t feel like home. Enough talking out of me, before I bore you to death here are some holiday snapshots. Oh and a video, with more holiday snapshots run together […]
Here we are, back again! Yet this time the post will be filled with a random few slices of entertainment. Things I found and/or was found for me – which amused me to a certain extend. May they provide the same joy to you. I’m giving like there’s no tomorrow. First of all,
Also filed in Announcements, Nonsense
Tagged Block, Football, Google, Le Petit Journal, Nike, Pacman, Pink, Prints, Roger Federer, Twitter
Good day, here a blog post without any fictionary stories.First of all, on the 9th of June all the citizens of the Netherlands will be able to vote for political parties to reign their parliament. In fact, I received my voting-pass in the mail a few days ago. This seemingly worthless piece of paper allows […]