Friday, December 23, 2011
Vol passie schreeuwt een formule1 presentator zijn angsten uit; “HOU TOCH JE HANDEN AAN HET STUUR, DWAAS!“
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Een koude december dag in de metro. De mensen bespreken het weer; “Ik ga NOOIT meer klagen over de kou!“
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Twee oudere dames lopen arm in arm over straat wanneer het plotseling begint te regenen; “Ik denk dat we de plu nodig hebben, Nel”
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Bellend stapt een meisje de bus in; “Doe de groeten van de chauffeur!” – De Chauffeur.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Twee stilzwijgende bejaarden zitten stilletjes naast elkaar in de metro. Vol verbazing stoot de vrouw haar man wijzend aan; “Kijk, een kabel”
There once was a prince, as kind as can be, who often went sitting ‘neath a green willow tree, by a dark pool with cool water that led out to the sea. And one day as he sat (with his thoughts & his book) he heard a soft voice, which at first he mistook “are […]
Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern. The country is grey and brown and white in trees, snows and skies of laughter always diminishing, less funny not just darker, not just grey. It may be the coldest day of the year, what does […]
There I was just checking out some statistics and realized most my hits relate to blog post-entries. EVIDENCE A. As you can see, the sites traffic was greatly improved during the Consul/Humanity Blog Story Series back last week. Looking towards the future (represented on evidence A as a question mark), we need to make […]
You could consider this The Guys Minus Me PART2, after shamefully forgetting another four important icons when it comes down to music. First of all I’d like to thank my acquaintance Rudi E. Peefy for reminding me – in fact I’ll quote him right here; Hello J.B., you forgot Jacques Brel – unless that is […]
Here are some of the guys. The guys. Out of order. Out of control. 1) 2) 3) 1. Leonard Cohen 2. Bob Dylan 3. Johnny Cash 4) 5) 6) 4. Bill Withers 5. Miles Davis 6. Jimi Hendrix 7) 8} 9) 7. Dean Martin 8. Wilson Pickett 9. Frank Sinatra George Harrison John Lennon Ringo […]